Fatal Conveniences: The Silent Epidemic with Darin Olien


In this episode of the Longevity Optimization Podcast, Kayla Barnes and Darin discuss the critical issue of 'fatal conveniences'—the hidden dangers in everyday products that can negatively impact health. They explore Darin’s personal journey into health and nutrition, the pervasive presence of harmful chemicals like PFAS, and the importance of being a conscious consumer. The conversation emphasizes the need for awareness and proactive measures to reduce toxic exposure in daily life. In this conversation, Kayla Barnes discusses the importance of choosing the right kitchen tools, creating a safe home environment, and understanding the impact of EMF exposure and endocrine disruptors on health, particularly for women. She emphasizes the need for chemical-free living and the role of women as gatekeepers in promoting health and wellness in their families.

Visit Darin's Website: https://darinolien.com Follow Him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darinolien/


00:00 Introduction to Fatal Conveniences

04:46 The Impact of Chemical Sensitivity

09:55 Understanding PFAS and Its Origins

19:50 The Pervasiveness of Toxins in Daily Life

29:46 Practical Steps for Reducing Toxic Exposure

35:01 Choosing the Right Kitchen Tools for Health

40:11 Creating a Safe and Healthy Home Environment

41:38 The Importance of Chemical-Free Saunas

45:35 Understanding EMF Exposure and Its Effects

01:01:16 The Impact of Endocrine Disruptors on Women's Health


[00:00:00.600] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Welcome to the Longevity Optimization podcast where we discuss longevity, optimal health, nutrition, peak performance, cognitive excellence, and so much more.

[00:00:10.950] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

All right, Darren, it's a pleasure to have you here with me today.

[00:00:14.350] - DARIN OLIEN

So great to be here.

[00:00:16.350] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

We are going to be talking about possibly one of the most important issues of our time. I think today. We recently connected in person at our friend's event. Well, don't die dinner slash kind of got adjusted, but, you know.

[00:00:30.620] - DARIN OLIEN


[00:00:32.780] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yes, it was a pleasure, but we're going to be talking about your new book, but the overall super important concept of all these fatal conveniences that we are experiencing today. Before we do that, do you want to talk a little bit about your background and what kind of brought you to write a book like this?

[00:00:51.050] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, I mean, specifically the book. You know, I got probably heavily involved into exercise fizz and nutrition because I had a career ending football injury in college. And so I in. And I never dawned on me to study what I loved until that moment. And I like, I needed to. So that started on. I transferred schools and started studying physiology and nutrition, kinesiology. And then of course, anyone who looks at anything in terms of physiology and biology, it's. It's a miraculous thing. And that was the obvious kind of moment for me and. And nutrition started taking on a major role in my life. And then I started digging into which you can appreciate, you know, labels saying one thing and products being another and compounds that weren't utilized. So I then started a career innocently running around the globe looking for clean, extraordinary botanicals all over the place and the Amazon and the Andes and Southeast Asia and everything in between for about 15 years. And I got hired, I created a product for this company, Beachbody, called Shakeology. And we test, which you'd appreciate too. That product has got about 5,000 tests per batch.

[00:02:18.920] - DARIN OLIEN

Amazing, right? So, so that, that kind of world, you know, validating what is in a product that started very early. But before all of that, while I was in college, specific to this book, my father called me one day and said, I can't think straight anymore and my brain is foggy. And this is a academic, tenured professor, couple master's degrees. Like, and my dad. And I'm like, what's. What do you mean? He goes, I think with some other doctor friends of mine, I think I have what's called multiple chemical sensitivity. And I'm like, on, oh my God, of course I, I. It's hard to believe. Yeah, you've known them all your life and all of a sudden you can't smell Anything that, that is in the world without having a reaction. So he was the first teacher teaching me and making video, video copies of, of research and, and all this stuff. So he was forced to retire because he couldn't be around people, because he was trying to. He gave me kits, my first kits of what to do laundry with, what to use in deodorant, what to shampoo with, what to conditioner, you know, the clothes to stay away from.

[00:03:48.010] - DARIN OLIEN

That was 92.

[00:03:50.210] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:03:50.890] - DARIN OLIEN

And that was my dad because I couldn't be like if I was coming home from college, I couldn't be around him if I didn't detoxify my. Myself.

[00:04:01.410] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:04:01.830] - DARIN OLIEN

Because it would send him off into a neurological tailspin. So that was, you know, 30 plus years ago. So then again, I go down the nutritional route, Supplements, food, write my first book, like, you know, eat this way and live this way. And that's all true. It's all legacy and hydration and microbiome and sleep and it's all legacy stuff and you still need to do it. But then the blaringly obvious elephant in the room of our society was this what I call fatal convenience. It was given to me by a doctor friend of mine that I met about 27 years ago, Dr. Mohsen Hermanish, who started describing things and then labeling things based on the description. And he came up with the term fatal conveniences. And so he was telling me about cell phone radiation, showing me studies 25 years ago. And so this, this, this part of life has been playing in the kind of alongside my life for a long time. And so my father ended up passing away. Not a direct result, but, but because he was so depressed after this exposure and retirement, he started drinking after 30 years of sobriety and that ended.

[00:05:26.870] - DARIN OLIEN

Ended up killing him. So this indirectly was the impetus of driving him into a depressive state. So this book is dedicated to him and to the, to the really millions of us, if not billions of us that are being affected by this chemical soup that we don't even know that is invisible. And I just needed to, you know, tackle this, this world a bit that is not being talked about enough. It's not being changed quick enough, if at all. So I started, even though it was probably a little silly to dive into every chapter in this book that should have been its own book because they're so heavy in terms of, you know, you talk about clothing, you talk about personal care, you talk about beauty, you talk about, I talk about EMFs. You know, you talk about food. It's like every Direction, any direction you look. As you know, we are combating this. This industrialized world that you and I didn't create, but we were born into, and we're the effect of. So. So I needed to. And I had. I had to. And, you know, spirit of. My dad was with me the entire time and rooting me on.

[00:06:57.640] - DARIN OLIEN

It's. It's not a. It's not easy. It's not an easy, you know, conversation to have. It's. It's because you have to, as you've probably found it. It disrupts a worldview a bit. Because the worldview is, hey, if I'm walking down the grocery store aisle, these products, I mean, someone clearly should have tested them for safety, right?

[00:07:24.720] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I mean, one would think. Yes.

[00:07:26.100] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, one would think. And these regulation bodies, the fcc, the epa, the usda, the fda, like nih, you name it. Like, yeah, there's these bodies that are, you know, regulating.

[00:07:43.710] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

They're a little busy doing other things, like, you know, I don't know, developing pharmaceuticals and ensuring everyone gets on them. Kind of busy.

[00:07:50.660] - DARIN OLIEN

So. So. But to your point, it. Yeah, it's. It's a worldview that is disrupted because just that very nature of picking up a deodorant that is dangerous, that has known dangerous compounds in it that you can. Everyone can look up right now, you know, aluminum salts and things like that. And you. And the crazy thing is, I had 15 researchers, and I never used AI during this whole process. I was kind of. Kind of old school, still holding true to that. But, you know, this was a few years ago, So I had 15 researchers scouring through the research, and it's. And it's. It's startling to know when you're reading something and even the FDA is writing an article on the very thing that you're looking at, and they're even saying it's dangerous, and yet they're not regulating it, but some sort of. We're feeling better about ourselves because we're talking about how dangerous it is. And that doesn't happen often either, because no one's acknowledging things like red dye number 40, contributing to ADD and ADHD in kids. And then you're selling, you know, Gatorade to children. You know, it's like there's. There's a million examples of this very thing.

[00:09:17.710] - DARIN OLIEN

So I, you know, during the pandemic and all this stuff, I just, you know, I didn't take it. I took two weekends off in two years writing this book. And as you can imagine, the level of reading and research and staring at this stuff, it's just like, wow. It's. It's. It's astonishing that. Yeah, you know, we were saying before the, you know, before filming, it's like, we know what we know. And so for us to find clean products is difficult for us because the availability is not even there. So that's part of the inspiration I have is like, let's. Let's find companies that support companies. There's a company. I don't get anything for this, but I just had a deep conversation with this new company called Realm, and there it was, a lump on a girl's breast. And she happened to be an amazing entrepreneur. And so she got through that process and realized she's been burning unregulated fragrance candles 247 for years. And so, so when she pulled that, she's like, now she's creating a line of fragrances that are tested every direction you can possibly go, go. And she's getting. And here's the great thing I'm seeing this is when you do it right, there's a lot of people and a lot of money opening up to funding and supporting these things because it's, it's now more and more coming out.

[00:11:03.830] - DARIN OLIEN

Even this morning, NPR started talking about PFAs and things like that. And like, you know, that's first off. I'm glad. But also It's. It's. We're 60 years. Yeah. You know, we're 60 years in. Of using dangerous compounds. So, you know, But I'm massively encouraged, even though this conversation today is probably going to be intense for some people, but I'm wildly encouraged, you know, and I get to meet people like yourself, who's dedicated to it, and we are gathering and people like, we get to meet and companies that we get to find and then we get to talk about and go, no, no, no, you don't have to do that. Do this. So, you know, we don't need to disrupt all of your habits, but just change it for some healthier ones.

[00:11:54.540] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I love that. I mean, in general, it's also so pervasive, like, the amount of detail. Like, I pointed out a few things just because I know you care about it. On our way, like through my home, and I mean, I don't have carpets. This rug is all organic. Like, I mean, my bed from top to bottom is 100% gossard. But it's like every single item, unfortunately, has known. I love the term used dangerous chemicals in it. And it's. I mean, the clothing I'm wearing or it's like it's in my shampoo, my beauty products. I, you know, haven't used traditional fragrances in over a decade. It's, it's so pervasive and it seems overwhelming. But the great thing is, is that you can switch one thing for another thing and you can slowly weed it out. You mentioned, because I was interested, you mentioned this all started about 60 years ago. Like what was the impetus? Just like I, obviously we don't want to say was to harm people.

[00:12:51.560] - DARIN OLIEN

No, I'm sure from, from the PFAS start of it or really the industrialized adoption of things.

[00:13:00.440] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah, I mean so it started 60 years ago. And what would you think is going through their brain? It just, it's cheaper, it's easier, faster.

[00:13:08.840] - DARIN OLIEN

Let me answer it this way. I believe, I believe that. I believe in the human spirit. I believe that people want to do the right thing. I first off, I do do, I do believe that. And then when we, you know, for example pfas, which is a pre and poly floral alkali substance that was created by man taking fluorine gas and slamming it together with carbon molecules and, and what it does, just so everyone listening, it's what the hell is pfas? It's that, that commercial that you used to hear that a non stick pan had, where you could put your eggs on it and they wouldn't, they wouldn't, they would slip off. So you don't need, need any oils or so it was an amazing, just think about that by itself an amazing accomplishment. So it's heat resistant, it's slippery, things don't stick to it. It's fantastic. However, and this was in, this was discovered in World War II and DuPont was the origin creator of this stuff. And so they, some of that first things were, was the pans and the non stick and the muffin non sticks and all of that stuff real quick.

[00:14:26.460] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So they was discovered in a war. What were they doing with it then?

[00:14:29.610] - DARIN OLIEN

I'm not sure. I don't, I don't, I don't remember what their. I think it was more of an accident of developing, you know, some, you know, they're playing with a lot of chemistry back In World War II, trying to, you know, from atomic bombs to. And little caveat, my dad was an atomic bomb regulator in the Cuban Missile crisis on the aircraft carrier, which also added to the problem that he, because he didn't have a thyroid and radioactive isotopes have an affiliation affiniation to the thyroid. So his thyroid was destroyed. So his endocrine system was certainly compromised. Yeah. And it's kind of weirdly ironic, right, that, that all of that. So, so from, from that they discovered a lot of times through accidents that this chemical. But there was no. It performed so well that they didn't bother testing at the time whether there was off gassing, whether there's, there was bleeding into and onto anything. Now to answer your question, I think maybe it was naive at the time. They're like, this is just so good. It's just pan. It's a pan, it's a, it's a surface, it's fine. No one thought to go, is it getting in your food?

[00:16:05.870] - DARIN OLIEN

Is it? So PFAS developed into many things. Thank God more of the original PFAS is being weeded out. But there's still nano PFAS on some of you in the brand saying they're chemical free. So you really have to do your due diligence on pans and things. But it's also in makeup. So every time. So people thinking about things of wrinkle free, waterproof, stain resistant clothing, that's a big red flag.

[00:16:34.610] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:16:35.010] - DARIN OLIEN

That is not natural. That is if that's some sort of synthetic version of getting PFAs. And same with, same with, you know, your couches, your mattresses. Like, how convenient. You don't want to stain anything. So they slather PFAS all over it. So it is in a lot of clothes. We did some testing. I just did a documentary with a good friend of mine who made my pants, Jeff Garner. He's been in the CLE fashion world for 25 years. We, we did a documentary called Let Them be Naked and it's. I'm leaving next week for the first screening of it at film festival in Nashville.

[00:17:18.770] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Oh, wow.

[00:17:19.370] - DARIN OLIEN

And, and we took in a material into a lab on camera and we did a fluorine gas precipitation to see what PFAS levels were in it. And the researcher or the technician didn't know what we were. We just cut off a piece of cloth. And the, the, the amount of PFAs, there shouldn't be any in anything. But the California regulates like 100 parts per million. And even though it shouldn't have any, it was, it was eight times that amount. And that, and that material was a stewardess's clothing. So doesn't wrinkle, doesn't like to stain. How convenient. But what's happening is there's, there's lawsuits against stewardesses now because they're having acute reactions to these chemicals, which is, which is, doesn't always happen. So it's, the problem is if you're not reacting doesn't mean that it's not transdermally going into your, into your, through your skin and into your blood. And that's the biggest problem. Like so anyway, PFAS origin was. Then the 3M took over and started making products out of that. And just quickly I interviewed Chris Hansen who had a great New York Times article written about her and her work. And she was a first year PhD out of college developing the protocols for blood tests for pfas.

[00:19:04.760] - DARIN OLIEN

They had her internally do it for the workers and realize, oh, this is really high. And the chief science officer from 3M and this is in the 90s said, oh, it's fine. She even asked, she goes, these are really high levels. Are you sure PFAS is fine? And she naively believed the chief science officer at 3M at the time. So she ended up continuously continuing her blood testing and found out that all blood samples throughout most of the population in the United States all had PFAS already in their blood. And this is in the 90s, so that's about 98, 99% through their calculations of the population. And that's a forever chemical. So that's connected to diabetes, high cholesterol, cancers. And we don't even know because there's no protocol to chelate that out of the body. We still don't know it bioaccumulates. And that's the, that's where it really gets scary. So the best thing we can do is stop exposing ourselves. And how that happens is make sure your pants. And here's where it really gets the clothing. And then PFAS can show up also in fast food wrappers and take away cartons. So again, you don't want food stuck to your.

[00:20:31.710] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, how inconvenient. Right. So they wipe it all over. And now it's virtually all fast food wrappers have PFAS layer on it. So now your food is interacting with it's.

[00:20:43.920] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

You know, remember when tapo chico, I mean, I was just heartbroken. I was just drinking tapo chicos all the time. I remember I was like so young and I remember Peter T. Loved tapo chico. And so I'm like drinking like so many tapo chicos. And why is there PFAS and tapo chico? Do they add it?

[00:21:03.780] - DARIN OLIEN

It's probably in the. And this is the nuance. It's probably in the manufacturing process. So it could be a tote bag that they're holding raw materials in. Right. It could be in the manufacturing line where it's interacting with a type of conveyor belt that you don't want things to stick on. This is where it gets really, really tricky because it's not. And it could. And it also could be the packaging that these things are in, without a doubt. So it's not necessarily an added ingredient, especially in food or beverage or whatever else, but it's the interaction that food or beverage has in what kind of containers they are using in the manufacturing process.

[00:21:53.250] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So are they like working on just a PFAS free manufacturing facility now?

[00:21:58.440] - DARIN OLIEN

I hope so. But I do know, I, I mean I would say first off, no. Secondly, there is, I know personally, I actually email texted them this morning. I know a group of engineers that have created an alternative to PFAS from algae and they have been for the last six to nine months been already working with and testing with some of the major brands for them to just switch out. And the thing that they've worked on is that it's not going to cost them any more money. That's the holy grail. So when you work, when you're looking at something to change, unfortunately, the power, the God of the whole thing here is the money. Yeah, of course, because we've created that in this matrix of society. We've created that as the quintessential. I'm worshiping that over the health and safety. So it's, it's a bit inverted. But if you have companies or people willing to go, okay, we're going to go all in on the solution. But that solution also, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes we have to realize that, you know, the, the slave labor and the chemicals and the manufacturing of clothing, for example, is so distorted in our own minds.

[00:23:28.520] - DARIN OLIEN

You can't buy, you can't buy clean clothes for, you know, five shirts for $30. It's just, it doesn't work from a. Yeah, true economics, but from a pfas, from PFAS perspective at this scale, it is working and it will work. And so they, this company has already bought the, and created the IP for it, but already bought a manufacturing facility that creates all the packaging for many of these brands. So, so I, I have optim perspectives as well. When I know that these things are gnarly and there's people, you know, creating changes.

[00:24:11.390] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

That's so important. Are they like massive? Because you know the thing with like Monsanto, right, which was then purchased by Bear, they, I mean these lawsuits just started just like hammering them, right? And they were all, well, not all of them but they, they were then having to do massive payouts for people. Is that happening with PFAs, companies that are using PFAs?

[00:24:31.570] - DARIN OLIEN

I am not aware that they are. However, now that there's more and more attention on them and these reporters are willing to, you know, it's funny because very few whistleblowers ever make it.

[00:24:49.210] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:24:50.450] - DARIN OLIEN

But when there's enough pressure, and it usually comes by way of enough people start finding out about it. When there's enough pressure, then the editorial space starts to open up. And that's what I'm saying. Seeing with the P. Whoever was willing. I forget the reporter at the New York New Yorker who did on Chris Hansen P. It's, it's far enough away where the, the, the pe, the. All the people at 3M that she worked with are gone. So however they, because they were able to talk about it, 3M decided to. And that's a Minnesota base. I'm from Minnesota, so it's kind of like a home base in that sense. But they did say that we're going to eliminate certainly the most dangerous forms of PFAs. There's about 15,000 plus different forms of them, which is its own cascade of problems. But they've decided to get rid of and not create more. And also the state of Minnesota is also saying that we're not gonna, I think in 25, we're not going to accept products that have PFAS in it. I don't know how you regulate that. And sometimes you have to be careful with what people say and what they actually follow up and do.

[00:26:15.130] - DARIN OLIEN

So everyone listening, let's, let's, let's see what 3M actually does. And because we sharing information like we're doing now and having your listeners here, that's, that's, that's a very powerful thing.

[00:26:32.420] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:26:32.900] - DARIN OLIEN

Because we have numbers and so the more of us that understand we can either get into action and push back and also just our buying power. Stop buying all this stuff and that. And that matters, you know. You know, great work that Vanny Hari does the food babe where she, you know, she, she has meetings with Starbucks and has had them change their, for example pumpkin spice that didn't have any pumpkin have much chemicals. So we do have, we do have power and we just have to understand and that everyone listening has to grok with this realization that you have to be a conscious consumer. There's just period and that's. You have to be a conscious consumer for your own health. Like as much as you go, I know I need to Work out. I gotta work out. Yeah. I should probably start, you know, using asana. I know I need to do that. I, I probably should, you know, stay away from ultra processed food. I probably should eat some whole food. You also need to just be aware of, you know, the personal care products you're buying and the clothing you're putting on and the underwear you're putting on.

[00:27:50.520] - DARIN OLIEN

Genitals and like, like, you know, all of this stuff. It's, you know, the electromagnetic fields and like put. Never putting a cell phone up to your head ever. Never putting Bluetooth in your ears ever. Never. Never allowing your children to do that. Like it's these. This is not just of, you know, just making up stuff. These are tens of thousands of studies that are pointing to all of this stuff. And this is where, you know, selective information, selective media reports, like this is, this is also a fatal convenience, right? It's like it's an inconvenient to talk about, you know, how sick people are when pharmaceuticals are buying up ad space in traditional media. Like they don't, they don't want you to talk about whole food. You can like change diabetes, by the way. You don't need a drug. Like, we're not deficient drugs.

[00:28:48.350] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So I know, I agree. So I agree. And I see this like every single day at my clinic. And it's such a blessing to have. You know, that's how medicine should be done. Truly. It's like functional medicine, root cause curative medicine, which we're just so far away from that. But, you know, we can find it in pockets. And there's lots of clinics around the world now that are opening that are doing that. But one of the things that you look at when you're doing medicine like that is toxic burden.

[00:29:15.800] - DARIN OLIEN


[00:29:16.450] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So I'm excited because I told you about my last toxic burden, which is like one of the best any. But the amount of effort I have to put in to get that is crazy. It's really crazy. So that's like the unfair part, right? Like that's where it needs to be a top down. But we can't wait for top down because you're just harming yourself in the process. But I just sent in my newest one two days ago. I'm really interested because I was in Ohio then, I'm in LA now. I mean, I'm just interested to see, you know, what's going on. Because there's so many things that you can be exposed to even outside of pfas that you have no clue. I mean, you could Be living next to a manufacturing plant. You could be in your car. I mean, I love California because it just like slaps these like, you know, warnings on everything, including cars. I walk down the street and it's like a prop. Is it Prop 85?

[00:30:06.380] - DARIN OLIEN


[00:30:07.150] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

65. Sorry. And it's like this causes reproductive harm and cancer and it's like just on the car, I'm like, I love that, but I mean, I hate the fact that the car does that and all the other things. But at the end of the day, yeah, it's super pervasive, but you can make massive, you know, impacts and strides with all these things. So that's.

[00:30:27.110] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah. And that, and that stuff matters. That's, that's like, that's like saying, you know, it's the same thing of like when you work out, you can't just work out tomorrow and expect that to be your, your benefit for the month. You gotta work out every day and you gotta start with that, you know, maybe a 10 minute walk or a yoga class or whatever it is. And then you gotta add that up the next day and the next day it's the same thing with this. But we're reversing it, we're eliminating our exposure. And I look at it as like, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's health lost, it's energy lost. Right. So if it's life lost, it's life lost. Yeah, exactly. So if I have like a $10 for the day of my energy or whatever, and I'm spending $2 unknowingly just fighting 60 to 80,000 chemicals created every year, blasting me, you know, from. I'm just living in my house. And I didn't know that my air quality is worse inside than it is outside. I didn't know that. It's awful. Gassing formaldehyde from my cabinets that I just put in, like, you know, it's a zillion things.

[00:31:41.920] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:31:42.460] - DARIN OLIEN

So I'll spend, and I know you will spend the rest of my life trying to illuminate solutions for this stuff. And hopefully we get to better and better utopian world where we're not, we're following nature rather than divorcing her.

[00:32:00.900] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:32:01.370] - DARIN OLIEN

So, you know, unfortunately, yes, it does take effort. And the more habits you take, the more currency you pull back. Right. I would imagine that you have more vitality than most people who are like as a bird just hits the window, wanted to join the party. It's like, yeah, man, there's toxins in the air. Like get rid of them guys. Go for it. But, but I think of like you said, if you, if, if you start with something like filtering your water, reverse osmosing. Reverse osmosis of your water will cleanse your water of guaranteed toxins coming out of your faucet.

[00:32:48.660] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Guaranteed 100.

[00:32:50.510] - DARIN OLIEN

Right. So there's a lot. And different areas of the world, different areas of the country depends on it can have more pesticides, can more. Have more PFAs. It more pharmaceuticals, it could have more BPAs. But so best to filter. So filter your water. RO system. I like Aquatru and I think I saw you have Aqua. True. So we know that it can eliminate most of those exposures. And now you get a nice glass bottle and all of a sudden you've eliminated so much exposure and increased your hydrative capacity.

[00:33:30.860] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:33:31.410] - DARIN OLIEN

Lowered your overall body burden just by doing that one thing. Right.

[00:33:37.100] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah, I agree. And it's also, it's not super expensive.

[00:33:39.910] - DARIN OLIEN


[00:33:40.250] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So you can.

[00:33:40.820] - DARIN OLIEN

It's actually cheaper in the overall. Right.

[00:33:42.740] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah. Than buying bottled water.

[00:33:44.440] - DARIN OLIEN

Bottled and plastic and blah, blah. It's like, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's. You know, these things are like, you know, they're, they're. There are these common sense things that we have gotten so far away from.

[00:33:58.600] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Like, it amazes me. This is like, I don't know, you know, when people think that when they're drinking Fiji water it's like some premium situation. I'm like, absolutely not.

[00:34:12.290] - DARIN OLIEN


[00:34:12.880] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I mean, BPA is off of the chart. It's like just use a glass bottle. Reverse osmosis. I mean, exactly. Like you said, I get like either mountain, valley or glass and to go also. I mean, it's not really a difficult step to just do that one small week. And I think air filtration too, you know, I mean, as you mentioned, our air quality indoor is better, is worse than outdoor. So we have. I typically have one in here. We brought it upstairs for something. But I have I think six like ultra HEPA filters up in that. It's like 2,000 square feet. But I mean it's. And that's overkill. But you have to make sure you don't just get one filter. You have to get a filter large enough to cover the entire square foot. Exactly. I love my newest. I used to love Air Doctor for many years. Still think they're a great brand. But my newest is I like Jasper. Fits my esthetic a little bit more. And the.

[00:35:12.890] - DARIN OLIEN

Fit the esthetic too.

[00:35:14.090] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah. I mean has beyond brand.

[00:35:17.450] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah. I mean these things are the, these are, these are powerful steps that are not a burden on the habits either. Right. So if you start, if you think of like, you know, I was like, people ask, well what do I do? Like I would start with, you know, when you're opening your mouth in the kind of food you're, you're. I mean, I just, ewg just put out this report. All non conventional or all conventional hummus had over 600 and something parts per million of heavy metals. Right. And, and, and so it's you, you're just looking at when you're opening your mouth. That is one really good place. So water and we talked about the air and then the food. We have to get away from ultra process and going out to eat all the time.

[00:36:19.740] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:36:20.190] - DARIN OLIEN

Because just by controlling and eating your own food, number one guaranteed you're going to be healthier if you make your own food just, just without even going ultra crazy.

[00:36:35.000] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:36:35.460] - DARIN OLIEN

Making your own food is going to be healthier for you.

[00:36:38.140] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:36:38.380] - DARIN OLIEN

And then of course you can just ratchet it up the pans, you're using the ingredients.

[00:36:42.620] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

You, what cans do you like?

[00:36:45.060] - DARIN OLIEN

I did a deep dive on this. So one that tested really well is Extrema.

[00:36:52.820] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

You and I are speaking the same language. Agreed. Good.

[00:36:56.940] - DARIN OLIEN

Well, that's a check mark there as you pull the string long enough. And I listen, I had owners of companies on, I won't slam them too hard, but it's just like, God dang it, like you're saying all the right things, man. And then when it comes down to it, you can't prove it.

[00:37:15.940] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:37:16.320] - DARIN OLIEN

And that you're using nano particulates and you know, the glaze on your ceramic. So you don't use ceramic. You're saying all these things, but the surfaces that ultimately the food is coming in contact with is dangerous. So yeah, these are, you know, it's the work. You know, it's the work we have to do because it takes, you know, I have my little marketplace where I try to find, turn down most things because I pull it. I've sent money back to people going, God damn it. Like, yeah. You know, and, you know, I find these things and they're like, okay, let's, let's tell people about it and let's. But it's, it's, it's work to really vet companies, man.

[00:38:03.780] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah, no, I agree. I mean, I, we are so blessed that we have a ton of inbound, But I mean, 99.9, 99% of things do not make the list. I mean, what. I am definitely not. I know some people in the space are recommendations, like all the time with like paid ads. I just. I can't do it. I'm actually at a place now where unless I can go and personally check the facility myself, I can't do it anymore. So I'm just going to start doing my own products and then I'll know like 100% because I would never in. I would never be able to tell people to go get something if I didn't know and wasn't using. It's. That's like a whole nother thing. But I agree. So in terms of pans. Agreed with you on Extreme, I'm really happy we're on the same page. And I've went through the whole, like, rigamarole. Right. I tried the ceramic ones and then I've done a deep dive. I've done all the stuff, all the different bands. Won't drop a bunch of names, but. So I use cast iron. Is that good?

[00:38:59.850] - DARIN OLIEN


[00:39:00.390] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Okay. So cast iron and then the. I love the Extrema and stainless steel. Those would be like the top in my opinion. Everything else, I mean, you just gotta.

[00:39:10.350] - DARIN OLIEN

Make sure the stainless steel is all stainless steel, 100 layers and yeah. Can get weird.

[00:39:15.720] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Okay. So, I mean, obviously if you're listening to this and you're still using like Teflon plans, I mean, please throw them out immediately. You're harming yourself, your family. Just get better brands.

[00:39:25.510] - DARIN OLIEN

These are toxic even to throw away, right? Because there's no place to. They don't. There's no. There's no way. Yeah, there's no way. Recycling doesn't. It also is a lie. There's no way. There's no.

[00:39:40.650] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:39:41.050] - DARIN OLIEN

The recycling of plastic doesn't exist.

[00:39:43.990] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:39:44.660] - DARIN OLIEN

A few percent.

[00:39:46.500] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So what do they do with it then?

[00:39:48.050] - DARIN OLIEN

Bury it.

[00:39:49.420] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Hi, we're taking a short break from the podcast to discuss a new community that I have launched. I want to preface this by saying that I will continue to post content on my social platforms and conduct interviews on this podcast that are both free and applicable to both sexes. But as a woman, I have unique insights and perspectives on female health. I recently launched my first ever paid offering and this is a female only health optimization and longevity community. If you are a male, you can skip this portion of the podcast or you can forward this information to a female that you think would be interested. I set out to create the most valuable longevity optimization community for women. I have spent over the last decade dedicating my life to human optimization and have dived deep into the female specific optimization and protocols. This is a place I want you to learn everything you need to know about optimizing your health, longevity and mindset. I made this a community only for women because I wanted us to be able to be open, which I didn't feel could be done in the comments section of my Instagram.

[00:40:54.040] - Speaker 1

I also love the idea of women sharing protocols of what's working best and everybody within the community can offer value, valuable insights to each other and support members. Get weekly and bi weekly ask me anythings exclusive content and protocols like articles, videos and a whole host of courses and you'll receive up to date female longevity science. You'll also get community and connection with like minded women. Access to virtual and in person events with me and your membership will help support female human studies in the very near future. You can learn more about this membership on my website.

[00:41:31.580] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Kayla barnes.com so I do sauna like five times a week. But it's so crazy that even the saunas have VOCs in them. So the brand Heavenly Heat, they don't use any wood glues. They were originally made as a sauna for people with chemical sensitivities like you mentioned with your father. But wouldn't you just think that all saunas should be for people with chem like chemical sensitivities or. No chemicals.

[00:41:55.440] - DARIN OLIEN

Totally. I mean it's, you know, you've got heat which is, you know, as a mediator of. Of changing chemistry. Right. So. So when you're having glues interacting with heat and also the other thing with sealing wood, there's most of the sealants and stuff are huge amounts of formaldehydes and stuff. So. So yeah, these things always seem to have a bit of a twist when on the one hand these health products are. Yeah. Buy a sauna. And on the other hand they're a toxic soup. Except for in this case. So you know, there's a laziness to products. I think there's a laziness to. And also a naivete like people don't think about it until they're hit with a challenge. Like this company that you're mentioning, it's like, okay, well they were specifically dealing with multiple chemical sensitivity. Now that population of people that know that they have sensitivity is like around 17 to 20% of people.

[00:43:17.800] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:43:18.370] - DARIN OLIEN

And probably most of the most of us who have metabolic conditions, have low energy, have pcos, have hormone disruptions. Yeah. Autoimmune, low testosterone, high estrogens, all of that is this kind of accumulation and a bioaccumulation of these synthetic forms and these binding, quote, unquote, estrogens in one case to the receptors in the body. So it throws us all off. And so this sloppy, almost entrepreneurial side of things from, I just want to sell a supplement, I don't care what's in it. I don't know where it's from, but just put it in it. And there's a flippancy to it going, okay, I'm, I'm, I'm thinking this manufacturer knows where their supply is from and they don't, they don't know what the hell's going on. Right. And, and, and so companies like this, they're just like, well, I'm just building a sauna.

[00:44:34.640] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah, it's like, but at the sauna, it should be a safe place to actually detox.

[00:44:39.870] - DARIN OLIEN

Right. It's a specific thing that you're doing. You're creating a heated environment for people to sit in.

[00:44:48.180] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah, well, the VOCs with the glues is one major issue, but the other issue is the EMF exposure.

[00:44:54.290] - DARIN OLIEN

Oh, man.

[00:44:55.460] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I mean, so you're sitting in a sauna that's supposed to be healthy for you. You're being bombarded by EMFs and RF frequencies. And then VOCs are just like, you know, flowing throughout the unit. It's crazy.

[00:45:07.580] - DARIN OLIEN

And you're trying to detox, and you're trying to detox, but you're actually toxifying yourself and stressing yourself out. So if you want to talk a little bit about EMFs for a second, but because that's a big one, because the EMFs are strange in the sense that of course they're invisible. Of course we don't acutely feel them, but there is a growing population of people that absolutely are electrosensitive. And many of the great inventions that actually work are from people with electrosensitivity trying to live in this world. So, and we are layering on top of ourselves, just like we're doing that. Just like we're doing with chemicals, layering of foods and products and indoor and our clothing and perfumes and beauty products, we're doing the same thing with the electromagnetic fields. And the weird thing is about the research I'm reading this stuff, even though it's electromagnetic in nature, it's a frequency. And just FYI everyone, we are frequency generators. We are bioelectric generators. Some of the greatest inventions of healing possibilities in our life has been realizing that. And if you don't know that EKG and the heart monitors, there That's a frequency. But they're only.

[00:46:34.540] - DARIN OLIEN

They're not Dr. Royal Rife Tesla. They were playing with some great. Dr. Holder Clark. There were some great electromagnetic healing devices that were understanding the benefits of the right pulse modulations. Emf on the other hand, is the opposite. These polarized radiations, it's very stressful in the body. So when I say that when reading the research, it's as if it's a chemical exposure. It's as intense because we know through thousands of studies that it creates free radical damage. So it's creating stress in the body. You can see it in the research. And then the other things that freaked me out was, oh, it open up. It opens up the blood brain barrier and allows for proteins, albumin to be one specific to go to enter the brain. Yeah, that's not supposed to be there. And so when you have foreign materials that are supposed to be stopped from going into the brain, the cascade of effect, we don't even realize the inflammatory response in the brain.

[00:47:48.190] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:47:49.120] - DARIN OLIEN

So these kinds of things. And then of course, proximity and duration with emfs is the scary thing. So how close a device is to you through time is very damaging. So like a cell phone, when it's on and it's in the front pocket next to men with testes, women, ovaries, all of this is contributory to motility with sperm with pcos, stress responses. So all this stuff, and it freaks me out when I see friends and they put their, their cell phone on their pocket. I'm just like going, no, like I, I can't even.

[00:48:31.460] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I mean, I believe that the cell phone manufacturers themselves, in the fine print and the handout that literally no one reads says, don't put it on your head, don't put it on your body.

[00:48:40.930] - DARIN OLIEN

It'S nine centimeters from your head.

[00:48:42.780] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:48:43.400] - DARIN OLIEN

So, but who, who do you know is answering the phone like this?

[00:48:47.550] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Well, I do on speaker. If I don't. Yeah, exactly. But why does everyone argue? And you know, I haven't like, I was looking at this research a couple of years ago and I haven't like dived deep back into it. But you clearly have. So every time, you know, when I started posting about not wearing AirPods four years ago and people lost their whole minds and said, well, when you look it up, it says non ionizing radiation and it's safe. I mean, why is that information still out there? And what is the truth of the matter?

[00:49:15.530] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, well, I love this part of the conversation. So of course we all agree the difference between ionizing Radiation is ionizing. Radiation is X rays. Right. It will acutely rip apart DNA. We know that.

[00:49:34.370] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:49:35.820] - DARIN OLIEN

Non ionizing radiation doesn't acutely do it, but over time, with duration and proximity. Keep that in mind. Everyone listening? Duration. How long is the cell phone up to your head? And how close is the cell phone to your head?

[00:49:53.060] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

People are wearing the AirPods though, all day, like kids. They're wearing the Bluetooth headphones all day long, all day.

[00:49:58.560] - DARIN OLIEN

And they're sleeping with cell phones under the. I mean, and the kids research around because of the thickness of the skull and the immune system that that radiation goes farther into the head than it does an adult even. And that's not refutable. So. So the non ionizing radiation, it. Although it's not ripping the DNA apart acutely, it's causing these damages over time. It's causing free radical damage. Without a doubt. Yeah, it's like.

[00:50:32.580] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I'm glad you're saying this.

[00:50:33.540] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, it's causing free radical damage. It's causing fertility problems both in men and female. It's opening up the blood brain barrier. Like these things are all over the research. You can flippantly disregard what I'm saying right now. Do your own goddamn research. Yeah, literally. Look, the problem with people is they are just grabbing bits of information. It's not ionizing. Doesn't mean it's safe.

[00:51:03.600] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:51:03.920] - DARIN OLIEN

And in fact, the opposite is true. So over time, am I. Am I getting my DNA ripped apart right now, but the EMF that is around me is over time hurting me. What do I do? Don't put your cell phone up to your head ever. Yeah, right. Air tubes stopping all electromagnetic radiation coming to your head is great. I use a company. There's a great company who. She was electrosensitive. Amber owns a company called Tech Wellness. I got other Airpod. Not Airpod, but air tube plugins. A company called Defender. Yeah, yeah. So these things just plug back in. Turn. If you still have a WI fi router after listening to this, turn it off at night sleep. And you have a Faraday cage. This is real. This is. This is the work in the early 1900s by Dr. Faraday. Like, but Faraday only works if you're. If you seal the corners. It doesn't work by way of blocking one angle. So clothing is still questionable whether it's completely giving you protection. Yeah, it could. And there's also some great stuff. There's a company out of Germany called waveguard Hagen. Theirs was electrosensitive when he was super young.

[00:52:38.290] - DARIN OLIEN

His. Him and his Engineer father created a toroidal field of a device so you can have it. I travel. It's in my car.

[00:52:49.330] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Always the coil.

[00:52:52.510] - DARIN OLIEN

It is. It's not a coil. It's a copper.

[00:52:55.440] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yes, okay.

[00:52:56.070] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, it's a copper one you can have a big one to. For your entire house. So what that does is it is it creates a natural toroidal field with a liquid inside, magnified by the copper. And so we are a toroidal field, by the way. So we're electromagnetic in nature. Like we said, we create a natural toroidal field. Field. And so by this creating a toroidal field, it, it, it disperses some of the directed EMF radiation to our bodies. Doesn't take it completely away or else our cell phone wouldn't work. Yeah, right. But it does minimize the biology. And, and Hagen spent over a million dollars doing the research showing that it definitely does disperse and help the body when you're in electromagnetic field. So these things are something. I travel with it. People sitting next to me don't even realize, but they're benefiting from it too, because it is natural. So. But that doesn't mean that I'm stupid. That doesn't mean I have. I, I use the cell phone in my head. Doesn't mean that I never, I never put my cell phone in my pocket. On. I can't do it. I just, I, I'm not going to do it.

[00:54:13.880] - DARIN OLIEN


[00:54:14.360] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I have a Defender shield case. I don't have it on right now, but if I'm going to Defender shield fanny pack and the case. So if I'm going on a hike, I'm using the fanny pack. I also have the same coils. I'm really glad to hear. I've had these for years. Really happy to hear that you like them as well. Because sometimes, you know things. I don't have time to like, deep dive into every single thing that I own. I have it just to have it because I'm like, it's better to have. I also have a Selma Vedic. I don't know what. Do you like it? Don't like it.

[00:54:41.040] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm, I looked at pretty deeply. I, I, I, I, I'm, I'm not sure. I. It didn't have the same level of science that I saw. However, it does put out a beneficial frequency harmony to the environment.

[00:55:03.270] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:55:04.120] - DARIN OLIEN

So it can from that perspective, it does show that there is a biologically assimilative better frequency. I don't know if it's thwarting EMF or helping the body Balance when it's in an EMF field, I'm not sure. So those are just some things to think about.

[00:55:27.730] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Think about. I also have, I mean, I rarely ever use my computer on my lap, but like, you know, if for some reason I really need to, my husband does more. So I have the dm, the Defender Shield blocking pads. I mean I have tons of stuff from them.

[00:55:40.970] - DARIN OLIEN

So I too, I have a pad. But I also, I'm a better fan of distance.

[00:55:48.410] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:55:49.020] - DARIN OLIEN

So I have a lap desk. So if I'm on my couch, I got my. I got a red light pad that I sit on in the morning and I do my stuff. And then if I want to do some work, I'll put my desk, I'll have my shield. So I have distance. Again, think of this as distance and proximity.

[00:56:10.720] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah, I agree.

[00:56:11.210] - DARIN OLIEN

So if you, the more distance you can get from that directed field because that directed energy is coming to the device and it's leaving the device.

[00:56:20.420] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:56:20.880] - DARIN OLIEN

So you don't want to be, you don't want to, you don't want to be in proximity to that.

[00:56:25.450] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I have to tell you something really interesting about Red Light that we have figured out and what we're going to do about it. But this will save it because it's going to be like a revolutionary product. But yeah, that's really important too. Just talking about proximity. Yeah. I mean all of this is so important. That's why these little things, they can be super helpful. They're not super expensive. We have an EMF bogging blanket, you know, that we take sometimes traveling from Defender Shield, all sorts of stuff. My husband's boxers that I got him, he has a bunch of organic ones and there's some that are EMF blocking. I mean, again, you know, I try to tell him not to use the phone at all but like near the, that area. But sometimes it just happened. So.

[00:57:02.010] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, you gotta do the best you can. That's for sure.

[00:57:04.380] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Totally. And yeah, the, the sleep environment. So I have a. I have like three different EMF meters. I actually had EMF watch, which is crazy because why do you want to watch? It's just going off all the time. Like it makes you totally insane. So I never wear the watch.

[00:57:18.180] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah. But that's a little intense.

[00:57:20.390] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I mean it just reminds you it's a disaster all the time.

[00:57:23.160] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah. And I think, keep in mind with all this stuff, it is really important to keep it a positive mental outlook. Right. Because if you get overly stressed about all of these things, the things that I love about Life is you. And I didn't just end up here doing all this stuff.

[00:57:39.850] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:57:40.230] - DARIN OLIEN

It's been a. It's been a path. So start with one thing that matters to you and then do the next thing. And the next thing. Next thing. You know, I don't give a lot of energy to this stuff because it's ingrained so much. I know what to look out for, I know what not to do. I know what to do. And so it's ingrained. So it's like I don't have to. I've already spent the time.

[00:58:03.480] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:58:04.010] - DARIN OLIEN

Ingraining that into my habit forming lifestyle. And now if I'm getting involved in a situation where I got to travel all next week. Yeah, I'm bringing my, I'm bringing my stuff. Right. I'm bringing. Right when I was filming, you know, the TV shows and stuff, I literally, because we had so much luggage because of all the production, I was like, screw it. I'm bringing two Aquatru filters, one for the crew so, so we could eliminate plastic from the, from production. So I'm setting that up for the crew.

[00:58:37.500] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Love it.

[00:58:37.970] - DARIN OLIEN

And I'm bringing my Aqua True in my hotel room in eight countries. So I brought it all over the world with me.

[00:58:46.880] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:58:47.240] - DARIN OLIEN

And I'm, I, you know how happy I was to go. My Aquatru's here. I'm in a weird hotel. I got clean water. Yeah. So.

[00:58:58.760] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So what else do you travel with? So sometimes not Quatro emf.

[00:59:02.550] - DARIN OLIEN

EMF meter. I'll bring my. When I want. If I, if I'm going to a place where luckily this trip I know where I'm going. So I can, I'll bring a meter just to go like, okay, I start unplugging. I'll bring a pillowcase, you know, a clean pillowcase. So at least I can. My face is not planted on some weird ass.

[00:59:26.120] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Do you like any of the grounding, like pillowcases?

[00:59:30.340] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, I'm a big fan of the grounding stuff.

[00:59:32.860] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Okay, good. Yeah, that's on my bed too. So we have like the EMF walking shield. It's an essential mattress with the grounding pad. It's like a whole thing.

[00:59:41.060] - DARIN OLIEN

And then I think the other thing is I double down on my nutrition in a sense.

[00:59:46.700] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[00:59:47.350] - DARIN OLIEN

Because I know my body's going to be under stress, that it's because my environment's controlled.

[00:59:52.200] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Mine too.

[00:59:52.870] - DARIN OLIEN

And so when I'm out, I know my body's going to be under more stress. So I'll double down on Adaptogens. And my elixirs and my, you know, maybe some NR and, you know, nad true Niagen stuff, which I love. And just like, stuff like that I will crank up.

[01:00:10.890] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[01:00:11.470] - DARIN OLIEN

Just so that my immune system is humming. And I. And I also just, you know, I'm working out and I'm finding ways to do all that stuff. And I'm, you know, I'm eating good and go to markets and those are some of the first thing. Okay, where's the water? Who's. What's the filter system like? And da, da, da. Like, I'll just get the basics and sort all that out.

[01:00:35.310] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

We need to find, like, Gap portable Aqua. True. I usually just. I'm not really going to like, remote places, so I'll just go talk to them about that.

[01:00:43.000] - DARIN OLIEN

I really haven't. I have a desire after that whole thing. I want to travel with one.

[01:00:47.920] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I love that.

[01:00:48.640] - DARIN OLIEN


[01:00:48.970] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I usually just find the closest whole Foods or, like, health food store and order a bunch of glass bottles. But you're going to, like, remote spots that. So let's talk real quick about endocrine disruptors because this is so incredibly important. I read some stats around women leaving the house with about double the amount of, you know, known dangerous chemicals, as you say, than men. Because we're doing all of these products like, like, you know, hair and makeup and care, like hairspray, all this stuff that women. And we see autoimmune rates are four times that of men. Not saying that's the only factor. I think it's a plethora of things. I think it's how women internalize stress. I think there's other factors here, but I definitely think that the number of, you know, endocrine disruptors are a huge contributor to all of these autoimmune conditions that women are facing. I mean, I'm not being hyperbolic, and I am in the health space, so I think people come to me more than just an average person and tell me what they're experiencing. But I have not met a single woman. You know, we're all in our early mid-30s, and that doesn't have either PCOS or endometriosis or autoimmune, some sort or some fertility issues.

[01:01:59.960] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So what are these endocrine disruptors and how can we start to minimize them?

[01:02:06.390] - DARIN OLIEN

Yeah, big ones. Big, big, big ones are fragrances. They're in everything.

[01:02:12.440] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ


[01:02:13.050] - DARIN OLIEN

And they're not regulated and they're gnarly. So these are aerosolized, obviously, and. And you're putting them on glandular areas.

[01:02:23.710] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Right on Our thyroid.

[01:02:24.730] - DARIN OLIEN

Right on your thyroid. You're putting under your arms you're putting like this breast. Proximity of breast tissue, all of this stuff. So lotions, makeups. Again we talked about stuff that doesn't wipe off. Like all, all of that needs to be scrutinized. Plastic, plastic water bottles, all of this stuff. Phthalates, endocrine disruptors. So fragrances are a massive one that I would eliminate from your home and eliminate from exposure to your body. And then of course clothing. Change out your underwear first. You know, these, these things are also the. Just to keep giving an idea. A normal t shirt takes 8,000 chemicals to make. So crazy, right? So, so all of this stuff is. So endocrine disruptors are things that are chemicals that are created but then have an affinity to bind in our body to the end the, to the estrogen receptors. And so the body then starts to perceive that as all this estrogen, estrogen dominance. So then you have this cascade of effect that's affecting fertility and pcos and ovarian cystic. All of this stuff plus hormones, plus the immune system. There is a smoking gun to some of this stuff. But the problem is it doesn't show up as the same thing for everybody.

[01:03:55.340] - DARIN OLIEN

Metabolic conditions. How many women do you know who have worked out and worked out like crazy and haven't lost any weight? You know, these, these are, these are, these are. And also because they're under stress and then they're stressing themselves out more and maybe the workout's not correct, but they're also run under all of these kind of chemical stressors. And you know, the placental border is not something that, you know, back in the day they thought again, the baby's always protected. And that's not true, right? So now there's 200 chemicals already in the umbilical cord of most women giving birth today. So what you are doing as, as a mom, not only. And you know this better than anybody. So what you are doing today, even if you're not gonna have kids for a year or two years, what you're doing today is affecting everything that that child will live in right now. And so the best thing you can do is create a toxic free mom. And I really believe moms are the gatekeepers to all of this stuff. I really believe that because you know, us men are just kind of got a different mentality.

[01:05:06.190] - DARIN OLIEN

You know, it takes a long time for us to change certain things, you know, so women are the ones that are going to be like once you understand that as a mom, when you understand that these things are parabens and phthalates, and all of this stuff are affecting you and your child and your environment and the fragrances and the candles and the. And the carpets and all this stuff. And you realize that this is directly harming your child. No, no, no, mom. No woman wants to knowingly harm their family. Yeah, Right. So that's. That's where the work is. The work is. We need to illuminate this stuff to make it digestible for women to understand and have readily available solutions and choices affordable and functional. And then the moms are controlling the household.

[01:06:07.350] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

I know. I mean, I agree. My audience is mostly women. And I'm just so excited to have this conversation with you today because I feel like I've been talking about toxins, like, I mean, literally for so many years. And I also don't even know, like, I started putting out my labs, my total toxic burden. I still really don't know anyone that's putting out their labs publicly that's even doing that test. It's definitely becoming more mainstream, but it's not nearly as mainstream as it needs to be. And I just, you know, love women. And I want us to really have the best health. I'm not trying to live forever, obviously. I'm in the longevity space. I want to live as long as my husband lives, to be honest. So therefore, I have to really help him with his health. I'm the chief. Chief health officer in our family, obviously. But I mean, we just want to live, like, amazingly healthy lives. Feel good. That's what my goal is. And I think huge, huge part of it is the toxins, so.

[01:07:00.700] - DARIN OLIEN

Bingo. I'm glad you're doing the work. You are. And I'm stoked to have this conversation. And yeah. Some random. Ultimately, this dude from Minnesota. I am. And my dad suffered from it. And. And we need to have more of this change and we need to have this conversation. We need people to be able to realize that this is affecting all of us.

[01:07:21.820] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

Yeah. And it really does matter when you vote with your dollars. You know what I mean? Like, you're. We need to not give our money to companies. I know it's so easy, but that aren't doing the right thing.

[01:07:32.530] - DARIN OLIEN


[01:07:33.100] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So well, it's been such a pleasure. We could talk about toxins all day long, but I know we have a time frame. Yeah. But it's been a pleasure to have you here with me today. And we'll link your book. I mean, it's a must read in the show notes. And I'm excited to see everything that you do. You got to really push these. We need this PFAS free manufacturing plant. Like that has to happen.

[01:07:54.290] - DARIN OLIEN

It does.

[01:07:55.060] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

And they'll make so much money.

[01:07:56.680] - DARIN OLIEN

Of course.

[01:07:57.790] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So just someone needs to do that.

[01:07:59.290] - DARIN OLIEN

Of course.

[01:08:00.080] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

So. Well, thanks for being here.

[01:08:01.670] - DARIN OLIEN

Thank you.

[01:08:02.450] - KAYLA BARNES-LENTZ

This podcast is for informational purposes only, and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast, including Kayla Barnes, does not accept responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of the information contained herein. Opinions of their guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guest qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical issue, consult a licensed physician.


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